A few days ago, I was admiring the red swirls coming out of my berry tea and invented stories about an elegant waltz dancer that didn't have a partner so she kept swirling on her own...daydreaming...anyway I didn't have any red berry tea left which is a real pity because they are the most photogenic but I did have another Lipton citrus one (and I dont want to know what they put in it for I know that taste can't be all natural but hey the colour is nice) and I played around with it.
For the purpose of the shoot, I did things the other way around, first the hot water, then the tea...
Lipton Citrus...so hot it can't handle its own heat :-D that'd be a good continuity for my silly ad series...
And what about that one below, Lipton V Barry's tea in a jacuzzi, who can sustain the heat best ?