Nov 22, 2012

nearly done...the guitar-pedal-amp video ready !

Huurraaayyyy we're seeing the end of the editing on FX Amps Randy Plex video ! I think I shot it over a month ago, had time to shoot another project in the meantime, and god knows how many photoshoots since then too... I guess it's one of those projects that are somehow a bit harder to come to life...
Not that we weren't super enthusiastic about the project, FX Amps make really really nice handmade projects, a lovely attention to detail (seemingly the way it is wired inside is pretty close to being called a Sistine Chapel of amplifications ! it's a neat and pretty work. 
I do believe if something doesn't quite work straight away, it's not meant to work, but in this case, the potential was there, the footage was nice, I just struggled to dedicate the necessary time for  the editing, so many tiny pieces of jigsaw to put together the editing was quite daunting, while it was also tricky to match the audio with the visual and preserve the continuity since none of the songs were rehearsed, that was just jamming. Pascal, my guitar maniac boyfriend, isn't 200% happy with the audio, whether it's the recording of it or the settings on his amp, but we decided to let it go and do a better job on the audio when we shoot the next product we expect from FX Amps !

Ok, there's also a "defect" we spotted on the amp which is fixed now so we ll have to reshoot one small pan...and I'm sure in the process I ll change my mind again on the look of the video...

but here's the latest version of the FX Amps Randy Plex video for now ! Comments most welcomed :-D

On another note I'm working on the final touches for a fantastic potter and introduced myself to Adobe Audition to polish the audio, wow...that's a serious piece of software for audio enhancement. And quite intuitive to play with (unlike, say, After effects & many video editing softwares which require a bit of research before first use). I'm glad I had the perfect project to get to use Audition. Hopefully this video will see the daylight in a couple of weeks or so.

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