Nov 20, 2012

The amazing things you get when the distraction is big enough...

I love going through new projects in Behance, it is such a source of inspiration and it challenges me to be more productive.
This project caught my eyes straight away, the photographer is Tadao Cern

It reminds me of the brilliant pictures (which I can't find online anymore ) that a friend of mine had taken during the first Twestival in Dublin back in 2009. The series was called "Exploded Potatoes" and consisted in snapshots of the Tweetters as they did their best to pretend a potato was about to explode out of their faces. Shot with a flashgun firing straight at their faces (including mine, that's how we met !) the effect was strangely dramatic and hillarious. 
Funny how you can get people to be more than themselves when you offer them enough distraction !

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